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Coverage: Colway International’s ‘Power of Women’ 2017 Conference  in Gdynia

Coverage: Colway International’s ‘Power of Women’ 2017 Conference in Gdynia

Does this video require a verbal summary? You can see every emotion that was on stage and in the audience on the 18th of March – the growing pride of the women, and the admiration of the men. During the opening ceremony, led by the President, the elevated atmosphere and motivation to act was so thick it could have been cut with a knife and distributed further down the Company structure. Expressions of delight during the presentation of new products. Focus and concentration on the target when we announced the Month of Growth. Gleaming eyes... the moment you realised that Colway International would enter its third year with probably the best financial plan on the market, including a promotional bonus of up to PLN 100,000!

Great attention was also paid to the strong (and moving!) words of the Company’s leaders. Energy could be felt when Kaczorex took the stage to dance. Empathy, when the founder of The Centre for Women’s Rights talked about her daily work. The laughter of appreciation and amusement was heard, followed by loud applause, when Polish television star Dorota Wellman talked about how the impossible could be made possible!

And what did we hear out in the lobby? Mauricy Turek delivered his best-ever speech. We heard that you’ve already begun intensive preparations for the Month of Growth, which officially starts on April 4th, and that you’re looking forward to the official launch of our new products and that you love real stories told by ordinary people. So please, watch the video now, before the echoes of the March Colway International Conference in Gdynia fall silent. We’re confident that it will fully charge your batteries before the promisingly intensive April!

You can watch the film in HD on our YouTube channel, at: 


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